The IP-COMPASS is a quality improvement tool to help clinical settings become better prepared to provide intentional interprofessional learning experiences to students and enhance interprofessional collaboration amongst healthcare providers in their own organization. It provides a structured process to help understand the types of organizational values, structures, processes, practices and behaviours that, when aligned, can create an environment that is conducive to interprofessional learning and collaboration. Led by Ivy Oandasan and Kathryn Parker, Cathexis was part of the team that developed and piloted the tool in 2009/2010.
The tool, The Interprofessional Collaborative Organization Map and Preparedness Assessment Tool (IP-COMPASS), was published on MedEdPORTAL in October, 2012 (Parker K, McGuire M, Oandasan I, Zorzi R.) and an article about the tool was published in the Quality Management in Health Care (QMHC) journal in 2012. The article abstract can be accessed here.