Launched on September 7, 2007, the LCO is a unique partnership that unites the resources and efforts of five key provincial legal institutions: the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General (MAG), the Law Foundation of Ontario (LFO), the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC), Osgoode Hall Law School (OHLS) and the Law Deans of Ontario. The LCO has a mandate to recommend law reform measures to increase the legal system’s relevance, effectiveness and accessibility; to clarify and simplify the law; to consider technology as a means to enhance access to justice; to stimulate critical debate about law; and to promote scholarly legal research.
The purpose of this evaluation was to examine organizational and operational aspects of the LCO, determine the extent to which the organization was on the right track in terms of what it hoped to accomplish, and to advise the LCO on how to effectively monitor and report success in the future.
The evaluation substantially contributed to the LCO’s strategic planning session in Spring 2010 and the organization’s application for renewal for an additional five-year term (2012-2017).
For a clients’ perspective on evaluation outcomes, see the article in the LCO’s Spring/Summer 2010 Newsletter.