Knowledge translation (KT) is a growing focus across a number of sectors, including health care and education, due to the potential it holds to close the gap between evidence and practice. After all, what is the point of research if nobody ever uses the insights it provides? Despite this increasing focus, most are still struggling to understand what works under what circumstances; understanding of KT is still very much evolving.
Over the last few years, Cathexis has had the opportunity to support and evaluate KT in a variety of organizations and contexts. In so doing, we’ve seen many different approaches, frameworks, tactics and strategies in action. We consider ourselves very lucky: most only get to see what they themselves are doing; through our recent work, we’ve been able to gain insights into what effective and efficient knowledge dissemination, translation, uptake and use really look like and what enable these things to happen in different contexts.
In the coming months, we plan to write a series of blogs sharing our insights, and, invite you to share your observations and insights with us…stay tuned.