Are you planning on attending CES-Ontario’s Annual General Meeting and Learning Event on October 7th? The Cathexis team will be there in full force and we’re looking forward to seeing both new and familiar faces. If you see a Cathexis-er in the crowd, please give us a wave or pop over and say hello, because… More
Cathexis-Style Summer Vacation
The kids are back in school, pumpkin products are back in the shops, and we’re beginning to see the first streaks of orange and yellow in the trees outside our Merton St. office. Where has the summer gone??? It’s been a busy few months for the Cathexis team, but every now and again we took… More
Resources you’ll love: Fun videos on implementation & knowledge translation
RESOURCE: Bringing Evidence-Based Treatments into Practice Project (2014) PRODUCER: Melanie Barwick, of SickKids, Grant funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Check out this series of beautifully illustrated videos on knowledge translation and implementation. After watching these short videos, Melanie Barwick (‘Dr. Mel’) and her team will have answered these questions for you: Why… More
Tick tock! CES National Conference is almost here…
The annual Canadian Evaluation Society national conference is taking place in beautiful Ottawa this year over June 15-18, 2014. We look forward to sharing and learning with our evaluation colleagues from across the country and beyond. Check out the conference website for more information. If you’re in attendance, consider adding these sessions involving Cathexis-ers (in… More
Ressources d’évaluation en francais
Sachant qu’il y a moins de ressouces d’évaluation en francais que ce qui existe en anglais, nous avons compilé une liste des ressources en francais que nous connaissons. Si vous en connaissez d’autres, s’il vous plaît n’hésitez à nous aider à développer notre liste. Ressouces d’évaluation en francais: Le portail francophone de l’évaluation : Société… More
Have a great evaluation story? Submit to Evaluation Stories by May 5!
Have you participated in a great evaluation? Have you been involved in an evaluation that influenced people’s lives and/or led to social betterment? Submit a story to the Evaluation Stories project! You have until May 5, 2014 to submit your story, for a chance to have your evaluation profiled and published in an international collection of stories about… More