Resource: Introduction to Knowledge Translation (2012) Producer: The Capacity Enhancement Program of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer This 4 ½ minute video provides a great overview of the Knowledge to Action Cycle developed by Ian Graham and his colleagues (affectionately known as the KTA cycle). The KTA cycle is one of the more commonly-used knowledge… More
The evolution of KT: We’re excited to be a part of it and want to share
Knowledge translation (KT) is a growing focus across a number of sectors, including health care and education, due to the potential it holds to close the gap between evidence and practice. After all, what is the point of research if nobody ever uses the insights it provides? Despite this increasing focus, most are still struggling… More
ARTIC Evaluation Report Released
Over the last six months, Cathexis has been working with the Council of Academic Hospitals of Ontario (CAHO) to evaluate their Adopting Research to Improve Care (ARTIC) program. ARTIC was launched in 2010 with an aim to move research evidence into practice across Ontario hospitals more quickly, more effectively, and on a broader scale in… More
Shared measurement dilemma? Try these simple tips.
Did you make it out to our 2013 AEA presentation on shared measurement strategies? We had a great group and our collective brains had a great discussion…so great that we can’t share everything that we talked about. But, here are a few key lessons we came up with to help you the next time you… More
CES-ON AGM coming up: November 13
Look forward to seeing you at the Canadian Evaluation Society Ontario Chapter’s 17th Annual AGM on November 13, 2013 (8:30 – 11:30 am). In addition to an update on the chapter’s activities, there’s also an opportunity to hear a panel of great speakers talk about Developmental Evaluation. To register or find more information, check out… More
Adina’s review is out on the latest Fetterman Book
Adina Jacobson has contributed to the latest volume of the Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation (Vol 28. No. 1) with a review of David Fetterman’s Empowerment Evaluation in the Digital Villages: Hewlett Packard’s $15 Million Race Towards Social Justice. What does she think of the book? You’ll have to check out the book review to… More