Cathexis is excited to be represented at the 2013 American Evaluation Association’s (AEA) Conference by two sessions: Making the development of performance indicators a transformational experience (Martha McGuire) Shared measurement strategies: How to help different organizations measure the same thing in the same ways (Adina Jacobson, Melissa McGuire and Rochelle Zorzi) If you haven’t… More
Evaluation & Cartoons: Do these 2 things go together?
At the most recent 2013 Canadian Evaluation Society Conference we challenged attendees to tap into their creative side and draw an evaluation cartoon! Check out some of the artistry below: [singlepic id=34 w=560 h=480 float=center] For more evaluation cartoons, check out the contributions of Chris Lysy to his website devoted to evaluation cartoons. Amazing!
Electrify your audience!
We’ve all been there…Starring bleary eyed at your computer screen thinking of the best way to convey a message. Whether it’s an evaluation report, an email, or presentation, sometimes the words just don’t come. Instead of letting the coffee cups pile up, check out this collection of writing techniques to pique your audience’s interest. [singlepic… More
Cathexis rides to conquer cancer
We’re proud to announce that our CEO (Rochelle Zorzi) will be joining the Enbridge Ridge to Conquer Cancer. After months of hard training, she will ride her bicycle 200km between Toronto and Niagara falls. Proceeds from this charity benefit The Campbell Family Institute at The Princess Margaret, one of the top five cancer research centres… More
Data visualization
Links to resources on data visualization
Cathexis is excited to present at the 2013 CES Conference!
Martha and Melissa will be presenting with Charene Gillies from the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario (ADO) on Developing Performance Measures Through a Consultative Process. Aligning with the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) conference theme of “Evaluation Across Boundaries”, the presentation will share an approach that supported developing quality of life indicators that were meaningful to people… More