Cathexis Partner, Melissa McGuire, contributed to the AEA 365 in 2012 by writing about using Group Priority Sort to select outcome indicators; one of “the top 10 most read non-staff articles from 2012”. We’ve included the full post here for you. You can also visit AEA’s 365 for the original post. Melissa McGuire on… More
Innovative IP-COMPASS Tool posted on MedEdPORTAL
The IP-COMPASS is a quality improvement tool to help clinical settings become better prepared to provide intentional interprofessional learning experiences to students and enhance interprofessional collaboration amongst healthcare providers in their own organization. It provides a structured process to help understand the types of organizational values, structures, processes, practices and behaviours that, when aligned, can… More
Cathexis contributes to the advancement of HQO’s Learning Community
In collaboration with Chris Frank and Associates, Cathexis assessed the implementation of the first two Waves of the Learning Community for Health Quality Ontario (HQO), formerly the Quality Improvement and Innovation Partnership. The Learning Community introduces primary healthcare providers to the principles of quality improvement (QI). The evaluation had an eye to improving the components,… More
Have you heard of Canada’s 30×30 Nature Challenge?
Who doesn’t want to spend more time outside given that spring is here! May 1, 2013 marks the launch of the David Suzuki Foundation’s 30X30 Nature Challenge. This initiative encourages individuals and organizations to get outside with the aim of improving health and wellbeing.
Cathexis is proud to sponsor the Canadian Evaluation Society’s 2013 Conference
The CES annual conference is always a highlight for Cathexis staff. It’s a great chance to learn, share knowledge and meet up with new and old friends alike. We look forward to seeing you in Toronto from June 9-June 12, 2013.
Sometimes we get stuck doing the same thing over and over again. Unfortunately, when it comes to reporting findings, that can mean long, complicated reports that don’t really speak to the audience. Evaluationary is a game designed to get you thinking about complex concepts in simple terms. Here are the instructions we developed for the… More