What is reasonable compensation for evaluators? What can students expect to earn if they choose a career in evaluation? What do employers need to offer if they want to recruit good evaluators? Find out more from the results of a Canada wide survey of CES members conducted in 2009.
Cathexis’ Meta-Evaluation
This section includes a description of our process for evaluating our own evaluations (meta-evaluation), and the tools that we use to do it.
Introduction to ARIMA
This presentation is intended to encourage evaluators to consider the use of AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models in order to strengthen evaluations. This presentation focuses on how ARIMA models improve upon simpler pre-post designs. When randomization or control groups are not possible or appropriate, it is possible to use ARIMA models to determine attribution… More
2010 CES National Conference
During the 2010 Canadian Evaluation Society national conference held in Victoria (BC) we welcomed Cathexis Consulting’s Martha McGuire as the new CES president. We also presented 2 papers: Evaluator Compensation: Survey Findings Introduction to AutoRegressive Inegrated Moving Average (ARIMA) Models And 1 workshop: Priority Sort: An Approach to Participatory Decision-Making For more information, please go… More
Evaluating Complex Initiatives
Cathexis has conducted many workshops and presentations on the evaluation of complex initiatives in various fora and for various audiences, such as public service staff and management, not-for-profit organizations, and others.
The Value of Evaluation
Cathexis has conducted many workshops and presentations on the value of evaluation.