What is it like to work in evaluation in the private sector? How do evaluators learn? What is their ‘natural habitat’?
Cathexis evaluates hand hygiene in Ontario hospitals
Contracted by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), Cathexis Consulting evaluated the province’s pilot program to improve hand hygiene practices in hospitals.
Cathexis evaluates the Collaborative Nursing Degree program in Ontario
Cathexis was engaged by the Ontario College University Consortium Council (CUCC) to evaluate the implementation of Ontario’s collaborative nursing programs.
CMHC highlights Cathexis’ work
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) released a report of highlights from a recent study by Cathexis.
Contributions to Evaluation – Core Body of Knowledge
In 2002, Rochelle Zorzi, Vice President & Senior Consultant, led the Canadian Evaluation Society’s efforts to develop a Core Body of Knowledge for Evaluation.