CES Ontario will be holding their AGM this week with a special learning event (Thinking Visually: An Introduction to Data & Information Visualization) We are excited to see what CES Ontario has been up to since the last AGM and to learn some new data visualization techniques. Hope to see you all there!… More
Evaluators and more on the east coast
Q. So… what happens when you put evaluators on the east coast? A. Trail side adventures, a kitchen party, and a puffin or two all make it into the visit… topped off with attendance at the CES 2016 Annual Conference! Rochelle had a great time presenting Evaluations that Make a Difference: Stories from around… More
Student case competition 2016
With the CES 2016 Conference less than a week away, Cathexis Consulting would like to wish the 3 student case competition finalist teams good luck on their presentations next week. Check out the CES Conference website for details on seeing the competition in person.
Countdown to CES conference in St. John’s
We’re counting down the days to the National Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) conference in St. John’s Newfoundland (June 5-8). Great theme this year – Evaluation on the edge. Rochelle is presenting on the Evaluations that Make a Difference: Stories from around the world project. She will share stories of evaluations that have led to changes… More
See you at AEA 2015!
Cathexis is very excited to announce Rochelle Zorzi, along with colleagues Martha McGuire, and Burt Perrin will be presenting Exemplary Evaluations that Make a Difference: Stories from Around the World at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois November 12th, 2015. Their presentation focuses on examples from selected… More
Have a thirst for learning something new?
As fall is ‘back to school’ time, we thought we’d share a quick list of five great evaluation-related learning opportunities we’re excited about this season: American Evaluation Association (AEA) Coffee Breaks: Did you know the American Evaluation Association offers a series of quick 20 minute webinar presentations… More