Two years ago, Cathexis joined the B Corp global movement. Along with nearly 4,000 businesses worldwide, we are helping accelerate a cultural shift to redefine success in business. Companies of any size or sector are encouraged to join. Small consulting firms like ours have a lot to contribute to the B Corp community. But we… More
6 questions with an evaluator: Dr. Vanessa Anastasopoulos
Vanessa is the founder and principal consultant at VANASTAS, an evaluation firm in Montreal that provides evaluation, performance measurement, and applied social research services. She is a bilingual, Credentialed Evaluator with 20 years of experience in the field. We love working with Vanessa on health and social services projects and appreciate her bilingual skills to… More
Join us for “Making the Most of your Budget for Program Evaluation”
We’re thrilled to be joining Laridae’s Ask the Expert Series to discuss how to maximize your program evaluation budget! Our team members Liz & Melissa will share their tips about making your evaluation fit your budget and how to find an evaluator that suits your needs. Sign up here!
Pride month at Cathexis!
The Cathexis team is always looking for ways to make evaluation a force for equity. We are excited to share one small outcome of this focus: an affirming way to ask survey respondents about gender! Here are some tips for your next survey: Don’t confuse sex and gender in your data! Broadly speaking, sex refers… More
Countdown to the first virtual CES Conference!
Our team is excited to be attending and presenting at the first virtual National Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Conference (May 10-14, 2021)! This year’s theme is ‘Evaluation Utilization: Achieving Our Potential?’ Our team members Rochelle and Liz will be presenting ‘Achieving unity from a distance: Building and using shared measures across organizations’. They’ll be presenting with… More
6 questions with a team member: Lais Dourado
Lais is an Evaluation Analyst who has been at Cathexis since 2019. She is our resident quantitative data expert who loves using Excel and SPSS to make meaning out of complex data. She applies user-friendly approaches to communicate findings and embeds a social justice lens in her evaluation work. Prior to joining our team, Lais… More