We’re thrilled to be joining Laridae’s Ask the Expert Series to discuss how to maximize your program evaluation budget! Our team members Liz & Melissa will share their tips about making your evaluation fit your budget and how to find an evaluator that suits your needs. Sign up here!
Countdown to the first virtual CES Conference!
Our team is excited to be attending and presenting at the first virtual National Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Conference (May 10-14, 2021)! This year’s theme is ‘Evaluation Utilization: Achieving Our Potential?’ Our team members Rochelle and Liz will be presenting ‘Achieving unity from a distance: Building and using shared measures across organizations’. They’ll be presenting with… More
Celebrating women-led businesses and organizations
This International Women’s Day, we’re giving a shout-out to our incredible team members: Rochelle, Melissa, Kate, Megan, Liz, Kathy, Lais, and Natasha! These women do it all: analyze data, manage finances and human resources, write reports, and lead evaluations (all with a smile on their faces!). Their hard work, passion for evaluation, and dedication to… More
Ally in the news
One of our staff members was in the news recently! Ally Holmes, who joined our team in February 2018, focused her master’s research on respectful visitor behaviour in the traditional lands of the Lutsel K’e Dene. In collaboration with members of the Lutsel K’e Dene community, Ally developed a code of conduct for visitors to… More
Celebrating accomplishments
We want to send a big congratulations to Cathexis Senior Consultant, Liz Martin, on receiving her Credentialed Evaluator (CE) designation through the Canadian Evaluation Society! We are so proud of all your hard work. You can learn more about the CE designation here.
Congratulations to the 2018 CES Conference Award Winners!
Cathexis would like to congratulate all of the award winners from this year’s CES Conference: Service to the CES – Emmanuelle Godbout-Gauthier Service to Evaluation in Canada – Keiko Kuji-Shikatani, Birgitta Larsson, Larry Bremner Fellows – Francois Dumaine, Gail Valance Barrington We’d also like to congratulate Team ReThink, who won this year’s Student Case Competition!… More