Cathexis participated in the global climate strike in Toronto on September 27, joining thousands of school strikers and the adults supporting them. While we enjoyed the many clever, funny, or even pointedly rude signs, we came away with a better understanding of the urgency of the climate crisis and of the inadequacy of half-measures at… More
We’re getting behind the global climate strike. Here’s why.
Did you know we have less than 18 months to take urgent climate action? 2020 is the deadline for global carbon dioxide emissions peaking if we’re to keep the planet below an average 1.5C increase in global temperatures. The climate crisis is an emergency: our hotter planet is hurting millions of people. Cathexis recognizes that the… More
How do you evaluate broccoli soup? Cathexis teams up with innovative food security project
Ever wondered what farmers with a bumper crop do when they’re unable to sell their produce? Some of it goes to landfill or gets tilled back into the ground — which comes at an environmental cost and wastes valuable resources. At the same time, thousands of Ontarians every day face food insecurity. This is a… More
Congratulations, Peter!
The team at Cathexis would like to congratulate Peter Rudiak-Gould, who recently received his Canadian citizenship!
Views from the East Coast
Four staff members from Cathexis travelled East this past May to take part in the annual conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society in Halifax. While there, we met up with our resident Nova Scotian associate, Scott Christian, and caught up with some of our other associates and colleagues from across the country. Apart from the… More
Cathexis congratulates Martha McGuire, newest CES Fellow
At the most recent conference of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) in Halifax (May 26-29, 2019), the CES inducted two new Fellows. Cathexis is very proud to congratulate our company’s founder, Martha McGuire, on her induction into the Fellowship this year. The Fellowship recognizes lifetime achievement, service, and prominence in evaluation. Martha is undoubtedly well-deserving… More